lördag 26 januari 2008

Odd Stories - Hjärtan Av Glas 7" 1981

Okay you all better thank me for this! This single is so rare that in my years as a collector of great swedish music i have never seen this for sale once! So to my surprise i aquired this for a reasonable sum and got it in the mail today. This is maybe the best minimal synth-single from sweden ever, in parts it beats even Kitchen & The Plastic Spoons. The drummachines, the minimal guitars, the lyrics, everything is just right for a definitive classic. I have no idea who the two people behind the band is though. Iggo from Kitchen is thanked on the back cover and I guess they were from Stockholm and had some connection to Kitchen and that scene. I would be thankful for every information! But now let the music speak for itself, every one of the three songs a little masterpiece. Ah!

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I've always liked this one. I don't know much about it apart from the fact that it is recorded at the 8-channel demo studio Humlan in Stockholm.

There is a cassette compilation called Cosa Nostra with Odd Stories and other artists that recorded at that studio. It was released in 1981.

Anonym sa...

FYI; den finns även med ett annat omslag.

Anonym sa...

uffe säger: Mats Johansson och hans dåvarande flickvän Annelie ligger bakom Odd Stories. Mats hade tidigare ett band som hette The X-IT som spelade till en början covers av Ramones,Iggy Pop osv.
Sättningen i det bandet bestod av trummor,bas,orgel och sång. Efter ett tag så började Mats att skriva egna låtar med en egen favorit som hette " Kallt Läder " . Det bandet upplöstes efter en smått legendarisk spelning på Vasa Gymnasium i Stockholm där bandet blev utsatt för ett "attentat" i form av urskruvade säkringar. Det enda som fungerade var strömmen till micken...

iggo sa...

Mats och jag, Iggo alltså hade bandet Psycho mellan 1979-80 innan jag startade Kitchen and the Plastic Spoons. Jag har bidragit med texten till en av låtarna här, Dance with nr One tror jag den hette....