As requested, heres swedens answer to simple minds: viva!. viva formed in the late seventies in gothenburg, gigged a lot and built up quite an impressive sound that owed much to simple minds and similar bands. this is their first single, released on stranded rekords. apparently they had plans in 1980 to release a single with their track "tysk höst" but i suppose they never got round to it. this is the only viva-release where Peter Stridh does the vocals, as he after this one tried to go solo and released a silly, silly album of bad eighties sound. this however is two fantastic tracks of new wave brilliance, with the b-side as the best track. after this they released four lps and a bunch of singles, possibly to follow soon.
5 kommentarer:
ser fram emot albumen framöver
Interesting blog, thanks!
Jussi Finland
Har själv alla Viva albumen, men lämnade skivspelaren bakom mig i någon flytt för åratal sen. Ska bli riktigt kul att höra igen... Riktigt cool blogg...
Om du visste vad jag har längtat efter den här låten i digital form! Den är otroligt bra, TACK!!!!
can you please re-post this 7''?
Thank you very much
Efstathiou Stathis
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