Ive never met anyone who agrees with me, but i think this is Dansdepartementets best work. The heavy goth-influence of their earlier work may be gone, but somehow this one seems a lot more depressing to me. The reason is mainly Mikael Syréns songwriting. I must say, as usual, that these are brilliant lyrics, to every single song. Ive never heard someone describe the initial phase in a relationship so honest and passionate as Syrén in "En flicka simmar". or his rendering of a miserable alcoholic in "bara jag och sprit". and the music manages to bring his words in such a context that the whole album drips of melancholy and the beauty of life and all its surroundings, even though the production is a bit too late 80's. its another one of those albums you can cry out to, or just brood in your depression and/or happiness - its the whole spectrum of emotions in one album. sadly, after this lp Dansdepartementet split up. read a bit more on them (in swedish)
here. and yes, Micke Kjell, bassplayer in the legendary Ståålfågel, joined Dansdepartementet for this album, as well as Petter Brundell who acted as producer.
36 kommentarer:
Håller på att ladda upp:
[1983] Tokfansmännen I Luftballongen (Outgiven Vinyl)
Den gamla länken på Punktipset verkar funka ...kör på den isf.
Eftersom du laddat upp de andra alstren vore det pyrt om du inte tar denna oxå!
"Allt åt folket!" @
Asnajs blog, kommer komma hit ofta ...
22'a sista:
Sorry att jag bambade den här posten, men här är ny länk ifa ...
Var inte en låt med dom med i Låt den rätta komma in?!
Du beskriver "En flicka simmar" på ett sätt som gör en nyfiken, men den saknas i RAR-filen.
tack spiring för att du pekade ut det. rippade om hela skiten eftersom den jag hade på datorn var nedladdad från soulseek - nu kan ni njuta av en direkt oförfalskad vinylripp (med En flicka simmar!)
Starkt jobbat! :applåd:
Upptäckte att just den låten finns med på samlings-CDn som står i min skivhylla, men alla har nog inte den.
Well, I am the second person, then. I agree with you, this is their best work. And their previous works where, and still are, great. But this one, has some extra dimensions.
Tiptopp på vissa låtar, men de akustiska låtarna lämnar lite mer att önska! Vet du vart man kan få tag på fler av deras tidigare låtar?
Eftersom du laddat upp de andra alstren vore det pyrt om du inte tar denna oxå!
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aquecedor solarWedding WeightlossThis must be the best goth produced in sweden ever. As you could hear on their first Lp posted a while back, Dansdepartementet were very inspired by killing joke, and their heritage can be heard on this one as well, but now Dansarna managed to blend in their own style and create something that quite hadnt been done before. this was their greatest "hit", if you could talk about hits with a band like this, but i believe even a video was produced, so they must have gotten some kind of recognition. this is great stuff, in the vein of killing joke, siekiera etc.
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