Im sorry for the lack of posts recently, so i suppose its time for a big one today: the most requested album on this blog, utom våra liv! after their first lp together with att som, udl started to play harder punk, sometimes in the realms of contemporary HC-bands (just check their Motstånd i Läder 7", avaliable at killed by death) but what makes them stand out from the boring, one-note trash mayhem of most hc-bands is their overwhelming nihilism. the lyrics are so full of hate, anger, knife-sharp social criticism that its hard to see how any of them lived through the eighties. it could, of course, be a distanced outlook on society and how we behave, but every time i play this one the words stab at me with their fierce darkness. and yes, theres music as well, mostly fast punk with a strong experimental edge, as in the closing, 7 minute track Survivors, the only song thats vaugely remenicent of their first album. but make no mistake, this is an album for both kbd-freaks and goths. and if you understand swedish, just listen to the lyrics! this is great stuff...
11 kommentarer:
One of the best Swedish albums of the mid-80's... and the lyrics probably the best Swedish lyrics I've heard. "Survivors" is a song as close to "perfect" as you could get.
Inget går att stoppa
Utom våra liv
Obviously I have this LP already, but those who don't... download!
One of the best swedish records ever! Thank you!
ETT RIKTIGT STORT TACK för allt man fått lyssna till genom denna sköna blogg!
Vill bara blygsamt påpeka att den här skivan med Under Den Linden - samt alla skivor som lagts upp på zshare innan denna - inte går att ladda ner via zshare längre. Mojo Sect-singeln som las upp på massmirror går inte heller att ladda ner.
Så snälla, snälla, snälla: ladda upp skivorna igen! Som stort Komeda-fan är jag t.ex. grymt nyfiken på Mojo Sect-singeln (och en hel del annat).
Tackar för all uppmärksamhet och vänliga kommentarer!
Jochen, ex drummer UDL
Vær så snill last opp denne på nytt, for eksempel på Rapidshare :-)
Takk for all den utrolige musikken!
Aha, nu går den att ladda ner igen. Stort tack!!
Besök myspace.com/untdlinden för mer obskyrt material med betoning på ej tidigare publicerat material.
/ H
Thanx for this, just got turned onto these guys and was hoping to here some more.
Unter den Linden runs east–west from the site of the former Stadtschloss royal palace at the Lustgarten park,Many musicians looking for an answer how to Copyright Music where the demolished Palast der Republik used to be, to Pariser Platz and Brandenburg Gate. Eastward the boulevard crosses the Spree river at Berlin Cathedral and continues as Karl-Liebknecht-Straße. The western continuation behind Brandenburg Gate is Straße des 17. Juni.Amazon Promotional Codes Major north–south streets crossing Unter den Linden are Friedrichstraße and Wilhelmstrasse.
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One of the best Swedish albums of the mid-80's... and the lyrics probably the best Swedish lyrics I've heard. "Survivors" is a song as close to "perfect" as you could get.
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