UDLs first single could almost be taken from their split LP or should i say an early version of Joy Division? nonetheless, this is great post-punk in the JD-school, which not many bands in sweden could match or can match today. i especially like the bass-line on Vända inåt... if you understand swedish theres an excellent page about UDL at
punktjafs, with discography, history etc. or just download this piece of musical history.
13 kommentarer:
Alltså, jag lyckas inte ladda hem en enda av Unter Den Linden-skiva härifrån. Gör jag nåt fel då? Funkar länkarna som de ska?
hi, do you happen to have other bands that sound similar to joy division? i would love to hear some more, thanks!
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All Unter Den Linden's links are dead. Can you reupload them, please?
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