Fantastic cassette-compilation from 33-45, a music organization based in Malmö. They organized concerts and once a year released a tape with various bands from the south of sweden. this is the best of the five tapes they released, with wonderful contributions from great bands. Ulf Bergström kicks it off with a wonderful spoken word piece with nice synthsounds in the background. the majority of the bands plays great wave/postpunk, with Tibet as a standout. they really sounds like TT-Reuter, or at least the singer tries to imitate Henrik Venant. great track though. Nyfiken Gul also released a single on Pärla records, which isnt as great as the track presented here. Unter Den Linden does an unreleased track live, with a more hardcore feel, which they developed after the first LP, still great though. Bullshot babies, from Lund, plays quite mediocre music but still gets me interested. they released an mp on their own label. i cant decide if its crap or great. ill probably have to post it here so you can decide for me. Besökarna, of course, fronted by the great Stry does a live track of Can-Can flickor which he later recorded with Garbochock. fantastic bands. the other bands is all unkown for me. le cadavre also appears on one of the other 33-45compilations, with the same track as this one but that one is a live recording. all is summed up by Svappavaara Homofilharmoniska, silly name and silly music indeed. dont miss this, its one of the best swedish tapecompilations!
3 kommentarer:
I did like this compilation alot too. I am not exactly sure , though, of how they grouped these bands together. Like the Media comp, alot of the bands don't sound much alike. MAybe they were all just gathered from where they were with no rgards to genres. Either way, I found a likeing for music from that part of the wrold. Thank-you so much for shareing.
Hej. Har du funderat på en länksamling?
Först tänkte jag bara att det vore bra med en lista på kända sätt att köpa svensk ny våg utan att hemsöka skivmässor och ebay (det som gav mig tanken var besökarna-spåret här, och strys försäljning av den fantastiska demon på sin hemsida), men en sida länkar till allt från myspace-sidor till ordentliga hemsidor vore faktiskt på tiden.
Skulle inte ha något emot att göra en sån själv, men jag har ju liksom ingen vettig plats där folk skulle snubbla över skräpet..:P
Du råkar inte veta något uppdaterat om reeperbahn-boxen förresten? jag hoppas fa-an inte att det projektet gått i graven...
jo visst vore en länksamling praktisk, fast jag vet inte om jag orkar samla ihop den ännu men det kan ju vara ett projekt. det känns att de svenskar som läser den här grejen borde känna till de länkar som finns. heartwork och strys sidor och så.
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