I remembered this album as a bleak almost ambient synth-lp, but now that i gave it a spin it turned out to be so much more. on this third album viva manages to get hold of the spirit their second album just showed a hint of, a mellow but sharp wave of mood-driven songs with a slight nod to simple minds or rather ultravox at their most laid back moments. its a great album, possibly better than their second and highly original in both nordic circles and anywhere in the world really. not made to be chart hits but rather to leave a lasting impression when the needle is off. the norwegian label Uniton released it, and its fit right into their catalouge of unsettling mystery that they released through the eighties. when will they release this great music on cd?
18 kommentarer:
ive tried massmirror for downloads for this one. let me know what you all think!
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Länken funkar inte längre. Gillade starkt de andra Viva!-skivorna, hade väldigt gärna velat höra denna också, ny uppladdning hade varit väldigt snällt!
Re-upped on z-share. sorry for the delay. enjoy!
Hej, tack för Viva-posterna. Suveränt band som hade förtjänat större uppmärksamhet. Toppeninsats att lägga ut deras plattor igen. Tack!
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Länken funkar inte längre. Gillade starkt de andra Viva!-skivorna, hade väldigt gärna velat höra denna också, ny uppladdning hade varit väldigt snällt!
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if you can get past the horrible vocals and lack of structure i think theyre quite ok, heavily influenced by the golden years 77-83 and all. with drum machines, vintage synths and very odd production. apparently they inprovise all their songs live in the studio! and if you happen to like some of this im sure they will be glad to hear it from you, just visit their myspace (or leave a comment here).
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can you please re-post this LP?
Thank you very much
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